Congratulations on ordering an Akashic Record Reading! This is a reading unlike any you have had before. The Akashic Records are your secret records that are held in the realms. They house your soul's information from all of your past lives including things you said, thought, acted on and more. This is the most complete record of all your past lives and it is a highly spiritual and well guarded place.
With your permission, I will access your records and find out what lesson your guides want you to know most right now. This lesson and what I bring back to you will answer questions you may have had for many moons with regard to why you are where you are, why you act the way that you do and how to best move forward in this lifetime.
Once I have all the information your guides want to provide me with, I type up the messages and then send them to you. Note: Messages from these particular guides and these records will very often be a gamechanger for you to move forward in this version of your life.
Akashic Record Reading
Please send me one question you would like me to ask your guides.